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Have a question that isn’t listed here?
Send your question(s) to… Christina@LightSourceWithin.com.
QUESTION: Where are you located?
ANSWER: At this time we no longer have a physical shop location and are currently operating online only. All future updates will be announced in our free email newsletter.
QUESTION: How do I find crystals that are good for ___________?
ANSWER: Visit all 3 of our website Crystal Healing Properties pages (located under the drop-down Crystals tab) and perform a search within each page. For example: if you are looking for crystals that help with headaches, visit the pages mentioned above and…
QUESTION: Raw vs. Tumbled – what’s the difference? Is one better than the other?
ANSWER: There can be a slight energetic difference between the two, but they will both have the same healing properties. Some people prefer raw because the energy of the stone hasn’t been messed with or changed by man. So, for them, it’s more of a pure, straight from the earth, energetic feeling. And others prefer the smooth texture of the tumbled stones. When it comes right down to it, it’s all about personal preference and which one you are drawn to and feels better to YOU.
QUESTION: What does “clean energy” crystals and stones mean?
ANSWER: It means the crystals and stones have either come straight out of the earth and have not yet picked-up any negative energy, or they have been cleansed. At Light Source Within, we always cleanse every crystal and stone both physically and energetically before it’s sold. For information on how to cleanse your crystals and stones, please visit our Crystal Cleansing Methods page.
QUESTION: Is there a limit to how many crystals you can wear all at once? Or are there any crystals you shouldn’t wear or use together?
ANSWER: There really is no limitation on how many crystals a person should wear or carry all at one time. It all depends on how sensitive that person is to each stone. One thing to remember; just as every crystal and stone is unique in their energetic makeup, so is every person; and that can change from day to day depending on what they have going on in their lives. So, always pay attention to how you FEEL when working with your crystals and stones.
If you feel good when you are wearing them all at once, that's great and the stones can be very beneficial to you! If you want to add in even more, I suggest introducing one new stone at a time, just to see how your energy reacts with each one.
If the feeling you get is a little overwhelming, or you become jittery or anxious, it may mean you need to work with that stone in small doses until your energetic vibration starts to match that of the stone. For example: start by wearing or carrying it with you for an hour the first day, a few hours the second day and even longer on the third day... increasing the time spent with the crystal a little more each day until you feel comfortable with it and no longer overwhelmed by it.
The reason why a crystal may make someone feel a bit overwhelmed, jittery or anxious, is that it may be helping clear out old energy that that person had been holding onto for a very long time. And, releasing old energy is not always a pleasant experience and can even replicate that of a mini-anxiety/panic attack or a physical/energetic detox period which can last as little as a few minutes, or as long as a few days, or even weeks. It all depends on how ready that person is to let the negative energy go, and how their body reacts to the release of the energy. But, once the energy has been released that person almost always feels so much better afterwards!
If, however, you simply feel uncomfortable working with a particular stone and your gut feeling is that you should not wear or use the stone at that time, trust your instinct, cleanse the stone and then set it aside until you feel ready to work with it.
Always pay attention to how you FEEL, that is the best way to know if, when and how many crystals you should be working with.
You may also want to check out the articles posted on our LightSourceWithin.com website. LOTS of great information located under both the “Crystals” and “Information” tabs!
QUESTION: Which crystals and stones are toxic and/or not safe to use in elixirs?
ANSWER: In addition to checking every crystal and stones information section, where we may include a “Toxic Stone Warning”, please always do your own research to be safe! For a good list of Toxic Crystals and Stones to help get you started, we suggest reading the following article from Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy.